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Service Bulletin

SB01-1Stratus Burner, Replacement of Valve Stems 338.68 KBJune 1996CompleteHighly Recommended
SB02-1CEnvelope Turning Vents, Thunder and Colt 102.78 KBJuly 1996CurrentCAA Mandatory 001-07-96
SB03-1CTrivent Deflation System (T&C Envelopes) 279.99 KBJanuary 1997CompleteCAA Mandatory 003-01-96
SB04-3Pressure Relief Valves (Propane Cylinders) 192.19 KBJuly 1997CompleteCAA Mandatory 002-11-98
SB05-EShadow Burners, Replacement of Blast Valve Stems 186.95 KBSeptember 1999CompleteHighly Recommended
SB07-1CBurner Frame, Triple, Weld Cracking 188.36 KBJanuary 1999CompleteCAA Mandatory 003-11-98
SB08-1BTitanium Propane Cylinders 193.44 KBJanuary 2000CompleteCAA Mandatory 001-01-2000
SB09-1CTitanium Propane Cylinders 201.63 KBMarch 2000CompleteHighly Recommended
SB10-ASky "Mistral" Burner, Replacement of Valve Stems 161.49 KBJuly 1996CurrentCAA Mandatory 003-05-2000
SB11-ACameron A-Type, Lens Panel Replacement 205.74 KBOctober 2003CompleteHighly Recommended
SB12-0Baskets, Solid Floor, Wire Inspection 495.04 KBOctober 2004CompleteALERT- CAA Mandatory G-2004-0028
SB13-0Burner Frame, Triple & Quad, Weld Cracking 434.85 KBOctober 2004CompleteALERT- CAA Mandatory G-2004-0026
SB14-0Colt Propane Cylinders 122.7 KBJune 2006CurrentHighly Recommended
SB15-0Burner Frame, Triple & Quad, Weld Cracking 82.91 KBOctober 2007CurrentHighly Recommended
SB16-0Liquid Valve, Self Seal Coupling 685.95 KBJanuary 2008CurrentHighly Recommended
SB17-0Liquid Valve, Self Seal Coupling (Hoppers) 663.79 KBJanuary 2008CurrentALERT- CAA Mandatory G-2008-0002
SB19-0Burner Frames, Height Adjustable, T&C 492.09 KBAugust 2010CurrentHighly Recommended
SB20-1Replacement of Rego Hose Connectors 260.94 KBJanuary 2020CurrentRequired
SB21-0Replace Burner Hoses 1018.09 KB29 October 2013CompleteHighly Recommended
SB22-0Replacement of Pressure Gauge Fittings 923.47 KBMay 2014CurrentHighly Recommended
SB23-3Lindstrand Jetstream Burner: Inspection / Modification of Toggle Valve Assemblies 538.14 KBJanuary 2021CurrentHighly Recommended
SB24-1Sirocco Double Burner - Mounting Bracket Failure 395.98 KB27 April 2016CurrentRecommended
SB25-4Lindstrand T30 Titanium Fuel Cylinders. Removal from Service 1.7 MB06 June 2018CurrentEASA AD No: 2018-0107
SB26-2Lindstrand T30 Titanium Fuel Cylinders. X-ray Inspection 1.93 MB29 November 2017CurrentHighly Recommended
SB27-1Propane hoses: Additional Calendar Life Limitation 385.73 KBAugust 2021CurrentHighly Recommended
SB28-3Stratus Double Burner, Burner Hanger Inspection 971.32 KB03 February 2021CurrentCAA AD No: G-2021-0012
EASA AD No:2021-0042
SB29-0Consolidation of Legacy Type Certificates 158.56 KB05 February 2020CurrentRecommended
SB30-1Special Shape Balloons - Introduction of MM Supplement 186.52 KBJanuary 2021CurrentAdvisory
SB31-2Wear of exposed Kevlar control cords 170.31 KBJanuary 2021CurrentRecommended
SB32-4Quick Shut Off Valves on Duplex propane cylinders CB2901, CB2902, CB2903. 529.19 KBNovember 2021CurrentCAA AD G-2021-0014R1-E
EASA AD G-2021-0014R1-E
SB33-2ALUGAS Cylinders - Withdrawal from service 419.13 KB11/07/2022CurrentCAA AD G-2023-0005-E
SB34-1HABFM Update Issue 10 Amendment 18 283.94 KB09 August 2022CurrentRecommended
SB35-0Alugas Contents gauge 770.03 KBApril 2024CurrentRecommended